Monday, November 3, 2008


03 犯罪現場
On a day of standard Taipei smogs and predictable boredom, a few cousins and brothers shared a light-hearted and unpunished guilt that remained unforgotten in blue and white. It was here that we first learnt that the fragility of cheap pipes do not support the weight of an eight year old; and that the probability of actually breaking our pipe out of the ten floors of pipe systems of offices and residency was indeed low. In the end, a-day-of no-running-water prize was randomly awarded to the 5th floor.
Rooftop, Taipei, Taiwan


nana said...

i just simply love this kinda remniscent-feel type of stuff =)

childhood is this open secret that no one else except only a few other people in the world can share with's so special that it's almost a sacred realm for me =)

PS. i really like ur article in issue 13 too =P

夕。ALICE said...

I love the color.